Cool Optical Illusion Collection #4
5 plus 4 is 9, right kids?
I always hated measuring things in elementary school. They'd always
count me off a point if I was just one millimeter off. At least I understood
the concept and wasn't as far off as the guys next to me missing by
inches. Sheesh. One millimeter....
ANYWAY: Here's the answer to this optical illusion trick. At first
glance, it looks like 1-5 is 5, plus 5-9 is 4 more, so what's the deal
right? ACTUALLY, both distances are identical if you look again. We
actually start the measuring at 1, so 5 - 1 is 4, and 9-5 is 4. So of
course, they're both equal distance.
If you've already seen this optical illusion, I hope you agree that
this is one of the better versions of it floating around.