Optical Illusions Art Collection #2
Say the colors brain teaser

This is quite a tough brain teaser. As quickly as you can, say the
COLOR of each word above. Don't just read the colors, say the actual
color that the word is typed in. It demonstrates a conflict between
your left brain - words and your right brain - colors and creativity.
After practicing a few times it gets easier! Was it to easy? READ THE DIRECTIONS AGAIN. People often make the mistake of reading the words. That's easy. Don't read the words, just say what color the word is printed in. Ahh yes, much more difficult, and it should be such a simple task for our minds to calculate!
Here is another example that we made, due to the popularity of the one above: Now that you've practiced on the simple example above, try this. It's interesting how your brain will interpret the different colors.

I've found that changing some of the color names to longer names such as Aquamarine and Turquioise will mess with your brain a little more, because it's a little harder to interpret these colors because we don't hear them all the time. Hope you have fun with this brain teaser!