Desktop Wallpaper ArtFree Desktop BackgroundsHere is what looks like a chinese star coming right at you! In this optical illusion, it is a variation of a few of the other ones we've created. As you glance around the page, it may appear to move, although I can promise you that it doesn't move a bit. If you'd like to set this fun image as your desktop wallpaper, just choose which size you'd like with the links below and then right click on the image. You can also see if blinking your eyes very quickly while looking at this picture heightens the effect of the optical illusion. This has been proven to work with some people, while it's proven to just make other people mad that they even considered taking my advice. Oh well. It's free. So deal with it! Chinese Star Background Picture 1152 X 864 pixels | Chinese Star Art Desktop Background Picture 800 x 600pixels. If you don't like this version of the illusion, you might like our other version -- I personally like it better -- here is a link to the other page that has the same picture, but slightly modified.
2006 CoolOpticalIllusions.com. All rights reserved.
Some optical illusions were created uniquely for this site, others are assumed to be in the public domain. |